Shine logictics achieves faster innovation and high performance with devops

Introduction- Shine Logistics

Shine Logistics, offer the fastest, most reliable, and cost-effective freight services in the industry while still offering you the comfort and peace of mind that comes with knowing your shipments will seamlessly arrive where and when you need them to.

Shine Logistics, freight services enhance Customer shipping practices by giving custom-built solutions and support for your current business model.Shine Logistics has expertise in a wide variety of equipment types and modes of moving freight. With our great reputation and financial strength, they are able to handle the needs of any size customer.

With certified licensed brokers on staff, their expertise and quality of service are unparalleled in the industry. Shine Logistics has a simple philosophy for success, provide our services with integrity and safety, communicate fully with our clients and carriers for world-class customer experience, and execute seamlessly what they commit to.

The Challenge

Shine Logistics has complex back-end operations running on with several Laravel and PHP-based applications. These applications—comprising e-commerce, ticketing portal etc. These have been deployed on single ec2 server for Application and single server for database. Teams are working to enhance the application, fix bugs and patches which required high level coordination and exposed the application to vulnerabilities.

Earlier Shine Logistics used bit bucket private repository to store code and custom scripts to deploy. This had caused multiple errors to creep in making deployment unstable. In case of problems roll-back was slow and painful as release process was manual.

Also manual processes were impeding high velocity innovation as it entailed downtime and it was affecting business partnerships who had ongoing promotions and campaigns.

The Solution

Shine Logistics has engaged Avertech team to manage and redeploy their application on aws cloud with ci/cd pipeline using aws native services.

Avertech Services is a Advanced Consulting Partner of AWS. Avertech has done the assessments of existing infra of Shine Logistics and based on findings Avertech has redeployed the infra for website and application on aws for increasing performance application and enhance the timeline cycle from uat to prod for release management.

The new infra includes –
The Benefits
Shine Logistics Team application has not faced any issues ever since Avertech Services took over as its managed service provider. The attendance application is always available and has very high speed of accessibility after reimplementation of application on aws cloud.
The conclusion
“Avertech Services has understood the business imperatives and aligned the infrastructure to meet with those objectives. The DevOps team does not have to spend more time while doing new release on production including dev, test cycle.”

Mr. Naman Bansal – Team Lead DevOps
Shine Logistics LLC